
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kedah Road Trip @ Salam Kawin..

Hoh..gua buat blog design ker blog org kawin nih..giler bosan dah blog gua..arghhhh...rilek2 lu bai..gua skang ngah explore cara nk edit gambo..bkn xreti nk menghayati..gua pelik la naper org suker edit gambo2 nampak lawo ker bg nampk buruk ker gua xtau..tapi yg pasti gua memg amik gambo yg lawa dan tukar menjadi buruk..hahahah .. gua baru nk hayati edit gambo la can skik...


misz benida said...

cuti2 malaysia...

Anonymous said...

bkn cuti dh nie..mcm keje pun ader~her her

MH said...

photogenic..ade bakat la ko..

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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